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Two or Four Private and Group Dance Lessons for an Individual or Couple at Dance with Grace (Up to 70% Off)

Appointment required, same day appointments accepted. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased.

NDCA-certified dance instructors teach partnering techniques and skills that lay the groundwork for American and international styles

When you draw a crowd on the dance floor, it means you either possess awe-inspiring moves or are an ultra-dense quasar collapsing in on itself. Become a dance star with this voucher.

Choose Between Two Options

  • $28.35 for two private dance lessons and two group lessons for one or two people (up to a $90 value)
  • $52.65 for four private dance lessons and four group lessons for one or two people (up to a $180 value)

During 30-minute private lessons, dancers saunter onto the dance floor to learn the basic techniques and partnering skills of American and international styles—including foxtrot, salsa, and East Coast swing—led by a certified dance teacher. With the new steps under their belts, students can air out their skills with other students during one-hour group lessons. Private dance lessons are held Monday–Friday between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m., and the schedule for group lessons changes monthly.

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